Welcome to the httc e.V. –
Hessian Technology Transfer Centre

We research and develop multimedia and Internet-based technologies and application solutions for the fields of knowledge management, teaching and learning as well as many other related technology and application areas.

If you are interested in benefiting from the new multimedia and Internet-based technologies or in researching, developing or applying new ways of knowledge management, teaching or learning, we can support and advise you on the use of multimedia Internet-based technologies in many different areas of application.

Do not hesitate to get in touch with us. We look forward to your e-mail or phone call.

Our expertise for your application solutions

The httc has expertise in various areas of the use of multimedia Internet-based technologies:

The use of mobile devices makes it possible to teach and learn at almost any location…..

Various technological competences of the httc e.V. touch on legal issues….. [more]

The focus in the field of applied game technologies is on the development of serious games….. [more]

The transfer of results from research and development into practice…..

Service-oriented architectures (SOA) are principles for implementing…..

CAT looks at the various aspects of context-aware technologies and systems….. [more]