Legal framework conditions in digital applications
Various technological competences of the httc e.V. touch on legal issues in connection with different digital application areas. Application-related legal issues generally arise in three subject areas:

Digitalisation thrives on exchange. Progress can only be made through networking and data exchange. Anyone who wants to use data, content and services from others for their own applications is interested in open access to the data, content and services of others. Anyone who sees that others are accessing their data, content and services in order to enrich their applications has an interest in controlling the use of their own data, content and services. Copyright law is about regulating these conflicting interests.

Data protection
Who wants data about their own personal habits or details from their private life or professional applications to be viewed by others without control? Do applications therefore have to refrain from using such data, content and services that concern people’s personal data, content and services? Do organisers of digital applications have to refrain from managing the personal data of users or do they have to refrain from implementing digital applications because the personal data in electronic systems is more at risk than in conventional applications? Data protection law is about balancing these conflicting interests.

Software-related legal issues
Liability for unlawful content on websites, responsibility structures in cloud computing, domain names as trademarks, open source licences, software development contracts, liability structures in code sharing, etc. – such computer-related legal issues concern a wide variety of aspects of the research, development and use of digital applications.