Networking & transfer

The transfer of results from research and development into practice in companies and public institutions is an explicit statutory objective of the httc. To this end, we pursue various methods of transfer.
On the one hand, transfer involves the development of various solutions that can be used directly in practice; on the other hand, we offer transfer in various events, and finally, we offer individual forms of transfer.
If you are interested in an individual transfer of our competences and solutions to your institution, please contact us.


Mittelstand Agency 4.0 Communication

The Mittelstand 4.0 Agency supports multipliers and managers in shaping digital change. The topics are change, qualification and communication.
The thematic focus of the httc within the work of the communication agency is on methods and tools for the qualification of employees and for knowledge transfer in increasingly digitalised companies.

eBusiness Pilot Darmstadt-Dieburg

The eBusiness Pilot is a competence centre funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics. Together with Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, we support small and medium-sized companies in the use of new media in the areas of communication, learning and knowledge management.
The thematic focus of the httc is on e-learning and knowledge management. Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences focusses on the topic of social media. We offer orientation, materials and events in various forms.

IT training at the httc

In the years 2001-2004, the httc successfully organised in-house training courses for industrial companies as well as a wide range of open one-day and multi-day seminars.
Public transport is also included in the planning. The matching is short-term and up-to-date, so that even short journeys can be offered.