Service-oriented Architectures
Service-orientated architectures (SOA) are principles for implementing a flexibly built and adaptable IT architecture to support flexible business processes.
Advantages of SOAs
Cost savings through
- integration of external services for business
- process outsourcing
- Outsourcing of precisely identifiable sub-processes
- Complexity reduction through standardised interfaces between systems
- Easier maintainability of systems

Simpler mapping of …
- new business processes
- new products
… in IT architectures shortens the time to market.
Investment protection through
- fast and cost-effective adaptability of legacy applications
- Increased maintainability
Our services, …
… with which you can utilise the advantages of SOA for your company:
Assessment of the maturity level of an IT architecture (‘SOA readiness’)
Advice on the introduction and implementation of SOA
- Analysis of the initial situation and identification of weak points
- Development of the target concept
- Selection of suitable infrastructure
- Support during implementation
- Final evaluation
Performance assessment and control of existing SOA
- Benchmarking methods
- Development of key performance indicator systems
Consultancy for SOA infrastructure providers
- Identification of central management functionalities
- Support for business processes
Green Mobility
Green Mobility is a new type of organisation platform for car pools. As a service on mobile end devices, such as mobile phones, Green Mobility evaluates current and short-term location, destination and context information from providers and seekers and assigns them to each other in ad-hoc carpools. Public transport is also included in the planning. The matching is short-term and up-to-date, so that even short journeys can be offered.
Our contribution to the Green Mobility project was the development of methods for mobile service-orientated architectures, which are used in the Green Mobility platform.