Context Aware Technologies
The Context Aware Technologies work area looks at the various aspects of context-aware technologies and systems. These include the acquisition of context information using physical and virtual sensors, the processing and distribution of information about states and events using adaptive and scalable mechanisms, taking privacy aspects into account, and the utilisation of context information and the higher-value statements obtained from its processing using context-aware services and for controlling actuators.
Context description forms the basis of context-aware technologies. It is used in all aspects of context-aware technologies and systems and supplements the pure sensor data with knowledge about, for example, meaning, data protection criteria and relations to other objects and information.
The focus of the work area is on the provision of systems for context processing and the application of context-aware technologies to relevant scenarios. These include intelligent communication mediation, the provision of services and information based on virtual contexts, as well as applications in the areas of smart building and mobile scenarios.
In the face of a crisis or disaster, most people have a strong need for information and communication. In the event of a crisis or disaster, a breakdown in the communication infrastructure is all the more serious. Not receiving information and not being able to communicate puts a strain on the population and blocks the organisation of self-help. In the event of a network failure, the authorities and organisations with security tasks (BOS) are also deprived of crucial information about the situation and citizens’ reactions.
SMARTER – Smartphone-based Communication Networks for Emergency Response – offers a solution for infrastructure-independent emergency communication via smartphones. Citizens should be able to communicate with each other and also with the public safety organisations.